Our mission is to provide quality, affordable education for the assisted living community while inspiring our students to positively impact the lives of their residents. We are dedicated to empowering youth, nurturing future healthcare professionals, and creating job opportunities that launch fulfilling careers in healthcare. Together, we strive to build a stronger, more compassionate healthcare community.
Cyndee CBRF Training provides all required cores of CBRF Training for community-based residential facilities. The curriculum taught for state registry trainings (Standard Precautions, Fire Safety, First Aid and Choking, and Medication Administration and Management) was developed by the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, and approved by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. Cynthia Allen-Lowe is a Certified CBRF Instructor through the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, and also accredited by the State of Wisconsin to offer distance learning for CBRF training.
Our classes are instructor-led and conducted live online via Zoom. We are pleased to extend an invitation to individuals who are interested in working in a CBRF (Group Home) or Assisted Living Facility in the state of Wisconsin. Please feel free to explore our website for comprehensive information about our classes and registration details. Administrators seeking quality training for their staff are encouraged to sign them up.
If you need assistance paying for your CBRF classes, please consider the following options:
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 70817 Milwaukee, WI 53207
Phone: 1-888-25CBRF6 / 1-888-252-2736
Fax: 1-262-333-1911
Email: Get in Touch via Email